I do remember your mom being connected with a group of women warrior/artists/writers/poets.

Joan Larkin and Adrienne Rich….i wonder if she knew Claire Labine (Berkeley Place) Mary Ryan (plaza street). They were of that generation and created and wrote the soap opera Ryan’s Hope.

There were some fabulous women who mentored me in independence to whom i will be forever grateful

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Incredible history you’ve shared. Thank you

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I so enjoyed your article. Thank you for posting these photographs. I have seen the film Clockwork Orange more than once - I thought it one of Kubrick’s most audacious and meaningful works because of all the important questions it raised. I started and stopped in my tracks when I saw that wall - WHAT was Gucci thinking? Did none of the powers that be see the film? Or are they following the current trend - anything to get and hold our attention. It does seem to be working.

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Eliza, i love your writing and hearing stories of people i knew back then.

I knew Fred, Peter, and Anika.

He was a brilliant gentle giant.

I knew your father because he lived around the corner from my flower shop on 7th avenue.

I do remember your mother slightly…knew she lived on plaza street and was a painter connected to (older than me) a fabulous group of feminist writers, poets, painters.

Your mother’s paintings of the laundry room and bathroom speak so clearly of womens’ place at the time….we were meant to be domesticated! But we were angry as hell about it and determined to make our own decisions….the most challenging part was being financially independent and unfortunately many of us were late to the game and struggled.

Keep writing…..

Fonda Sara

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Thank you for this lovely note and the encouragement. Did you own Growing Things? Where I bought my mother flowers for Mothers Day and birthdays? Amazing all these years later to make this connection.

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Eliza dear, yes, i own Growingthings which had a name change in 1991 to Zuzu’s Petals.

How lovely that you bought your Mom Mother’s Day and Birthday flowers from the shop.

There are so many fabulous grown up women i am in touch with that i know since they were shorter than the front counter.

In 2004 there was a fire in the restaurant next door and my shop was destroyed. We moved to fifth avenue between 5th and 6th street and started over.

It’s been 52years now, we just were included in the NY State historic business preservation registry.

I have stepped back from much of the daily in-store activity, handing it along to a new generation of women….

It’s lovely to read about your childhood. I look forward to more installments!

With love,


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